I desperately want to talk about music more. In that spirit, occasionally I’ll post about Sweet Jams, aka, I dunno, music and stuff?
Today we are going to talk about a band I discovered only today!
Bear with me a sec. Imagine it’s… say… late March. And it’s still cold, for sure in the morning, if not all day, and sometimes it’s cold and rainy, and sometimes it’s cold and rainy and windy, and you just wish you could wear a dress without tights, or maybe a light jacket instead of a coat; imagine it’s late March and though it wasn’t an extremely snowy winter it was still winter and it was cold and spring hasn’t really yet sprung. Imagine all that.
What you want, my friends, is music that can summon sunglasses and sandals and hot days and iced drinks. (I have a whole playlist.) What you want is Sweet Spirit.
BAND: Sweet Spirit
GENRE: Shimmy On Your Friend’s Back Porch In Austin, TX On A Late Summer Night
ABOUT: 9-piece band from Austin, with horns, and country, and doo-wop, and fun.
LISTEN TO:Â Take Me to a Party: “I got a broken heart so take me to a party” repeated and growing in intensity until you’re like, yeah! Broken hearts! Let’s party!!
Runners up: Baby Doll, My Poor Stupid Heart, Poor
YEAH! Let’s summon summer via music.